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Palmer Law Group: Topeka, KS


    Steps to Take After a Bicycle Accident in Kansas: A Guide to Protecting Your Rights

    Steps to Take After a Bicycle Accident in Kansas: A Guide to Protecting Your Rights

    Bicycle accidents can have devastating consequences for riders. Having less protection than commuters in motor vehicles, cyclists can be left with severe physical injuries, emotional trauma, and heavy financial strain. The good news is that there are things you can do to improve your si...

    Understanding Kansas Bicycle Laws and How They Impact Accident Claims

    Understanding Kansas Bicycle Laws and How They Impact Accident Claims

    If you have a Kansas driver’s license, you should know what occurs after getting into a car accident: You will share contact and insurance information with the other driver and then file an insurance claim with the company representing that driver. While the process is often complicated, it’s...

    How Long Do You Have to File a Wrongful Death Claim in Kansas?

    How Long Do You Have to File a Wrongful Death Claim in Kansas?

    There is arguably no feeling more devastating than that experienced when a loved one dies unexpectedly. That sadness can, unfortunately, be compounded when you come to realize that their death was caused by the negligent actions of another party. Between anger and sadness, you may feel overcome w...

    Understanding Wrongful Death Claims in Kansas: A Guide for Families

    Understanding Wrongful Death Claims in Kansas: A Guide for Families

    The sudden loss of a loved one is remarkably devastating on its own, but when that loss is the direct result of someone else’s careless, reckless, or otherwise negligent actions, the emotions you may feel are even worse. When you’re already wrestling with your grief, it’s tough to find the...

    Common Causes of Workplace Accidents in Kansas

    Common Causes of Workplace Accidents in Kansas

    Workplace accidents are part and parcel of every industry and sector in Kansas. No matter how safe a particular job might appear, it is not immune from worker injuries.  Common causes of workplace accidents in Kansas affect most sectors and industries — some more than others. Even seemingly sa...

    When Do You Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

    Car crashes can happen in the blink of an eye and leave victims overwhelmed with questions about what to do next. Dealing with the aftermath can be stressful, especially when it comes to figuring out who’s responsible, dealing with the insurance companies, and trying to get compensation for dam...

    Right-of-Way Laws in Kansas

    One of the most important aspects of safe driving is understanding the concept of the right of way. Right of way is addressed in several Kansas traffic laws and is often used as a way to determine who is at fault in the event of an accident. Right-of-way laws in Kansas are similar to right-of-way...

    Kansas Motorcycle Laws and FAQs

    • January 30,2025
    • FAQ

    There may be nothing more American than the idea of zipping down the highway on a motorcycle. Riding a motorcycle is the essence of independence, and its particular mystique has drawn in countless riders since the days of James Dean. However, the open road can be a dangerous one, even if you focu...

    Palmer Law Achieves Major Victory in Kansas Supreme Court Case

    Palmer Law Achieves Major Victory in Kansas Supreme Court Case

    In a significant ruling that reshapes how insurance companies handle claims in Kansas, the Kansas Supreme Court recently sided with Palmer Law in a groundbreaking decision. This victory highlights the firm’s dedication to justice and underscores the critical need for insurers to act in good fai...

    Average Car Accident Settlement Amount in Kansas/How Car Accident Compensation Works in Kansas

    Average Car Accident Settlement Amount in Kansas/How Car Accident Compensation Works in Kansas

    Compensation questions are among the most commonly asked questions by accident injury victims, specifically: “What are average car accident settlement amounts in Kansas?” Many know that they deserve compensation but are unsure of how much they should get or how the process works. Although com...